Main page About the Conference Conference Regulations The structure of the Conference Abstract submission requirements Bibliography style guidelines Научно-образовательная программа Program of event Сборник материалов Форума «Ломоносов-2024»
Lomonosov-2024 31st International Scientific Conference for Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Young Scientists "Lomonosov" City Москва, Россия Venue MSU Registration Registration is closed
Submitted applications Section All sections The vanguard of the digital transformation of public administration: strategies, technologies, efficiency-- Information support of the activities of federal executive authorities-- Artificial intelligence technologies in the provision of state and municipal services-- Artificial intelligence and "smart" public administration: from retrospectivity to prospective control (supervision)-- Key performance indicators of digital public administration-- Media communications of state and municipal government bodies-- Weak and strong artificial intelligence in management practices-- -- Values of patriotism and professionalism of state and municipal employees-- Postgraduate Subsection. Regional economics, economics of industry and economics of innovation: from strategy to development practice-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The future of the planet and global environmental changes-- Analytical chemistry for solving environmental problems-- New materials and technologies for sustainable development-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Linguistics – Languages of the Middle East, South and South-East Asia-- Linguistics – Languages of the Far East-- Folklore, ancient and medieval literature of Asia and Africa. Traditionality in modern literature of Asia and Africa-- New and Modern Literature of Asia and Africa-- Domestic and external factors in the economic development of Asian and African countries-- International Economic Relations of Developing Countries-- Economics of Asian and African Countries (1)-- Economics of Asian and African Countries (2)-- Economics of Asian and African Countries (3)-- Round Table Discussion “Source Study and Historiography of Asian and African Countries”-- Data analysis-- -- -- -- Geography-- Hydrometeorology-- Environmental science and nature management-- Economic, social, political geography and tourism-- Physical geography, cartography and GIS-technologies-- School geography Geology-- Actual issues of geology-- Actual issues of oil, gas and coal geology-- Geocryology-- Geology, Geochemistry and Economy of ore deposits-- Geophysics-- Oil and Gas Field Development-- Hydrogeology-- Dynamic Geology-- Engineering Geology-- Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry-- Mineralogy-- Petroleum sedimentology and general lithology-- Paleontology-- Petrology and volcanology-- Geochemistry-- Regional Geology and Earth History-- Seismic and Geoacoustics-- Digital technologies in oil and gas industry-- Ecological Geology Public and municipal administration-- Current challenges and trends of legal regulation in the area of public administration-- Corporate Finance and Crisis Management: current practice-- Traditional and modern technologies in human resources management: successful stories and unsuccessful cases-- Russia in geopolitical and geo-economic processes in Greater Eurasia-- Environment Protection Management and National Resources Rational Use-- Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Confessional Relations in Russia and Abroad-- Current Trends in the Development of Regional and Municipal Administration Institutions in Russia-- Innovations in public administration at the present stage-- Social development management as an important factor of social stability-- History of Public Administration-- Public Policy and Public Administration in Modern Russia-- Artificial Intelligence in Economic Management-- Modern problems of world economy and management of foreign economic activity in new geo-economic conditions-- Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration and Corporate Management-- Interaction of the state and business for the fixed asset investment promotion State audit-- State audit: economic and legal aspects-- Government regulation and control-- Computer law and information security-- Round table for schoolchildren "Comprehending audit"-- Ensuring Russia's financial security: Financial investigations in the digital economy-- Financial and tax law in the digital economy-- Financial regulation and control---- Financial state control---- Financial audit (control) in the field of environmental management and environmental protection-- Digit, Finance and Law - the view of a young scientist (together with the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation)-- Economic and legal professions in the digital state (for students of secondary vocational education)-- Journalism-- Visual communication-- The Health Communication (the subsection of St. Petersburg State University)-- Literary process and journalism: history, criticism and political journalism-- Mass media in Russia and foreign countries-- Editing of media texts-- Advertising and public relations-- Foreign media language-- Modern Media Management (the subsection of Belarusian University)-- Mass media sociology, economics and law-- Stylistics of media language-- Juvenile journalism in the system of mass communication-- Strategic Communication-- -- -- -- -- Foreign Languages and Area Studies-- Current trends in the translation of the texts belonging to various functional styles-- Current issues in cognitive linguistics at the beginning of the XXI century-- Proper names in modern linguistic research-- Cultural and literary studies-- Linguodidactics: current issues in the field of foreign language teaching at the University level-- Linguodidactics: current issues in the field of foreign language teaching at the School level-- Linguodidactics: integrating ICT in language teaching-- Linguocultural aspects of foreign-language communication-- Translation studies and lexicography-- Translation studies and the issues of terminology-- Current issues in modern sociolinguistics-- Area studies-- The word through the prism of semasiology and onomasiology-- Contemporary linguistic research in multi-level language units: morphology and syntax-- Comparative research in languages and cultures-- Text and discourse: the problem of analysis and interpretations-- Phonetics and phonology as part of linguistic research-- Phraseological units as markers of the national language world picture-- Literary aspects of the translation studies-- Mass media language and culture-- Language and intercultural contacts Art criticism-- -- -- -- -- History and Art History-- History of Russia from 9th to the end of 18th century-- History of Russia in 19th – early 20th century-- Soviet and post-Soviet history-- History of the CIS countries-- History of ancient civilizations-- Medieval studies (Western Europe and Byzantium)-- Modern history of European and American Countries-- Contemporary history of European and American Countries-- History of Southern and Western Slavs-- Historical Information Science-- Archaeology and Ethnology-- History and theory of art-- Ecclesiastical history-- History of social movements and political parties-- History of the diasporas and migration processes Space Research in the Modern Context-- Current Management Issues in the Aerospace Sector-- Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Systems-- Mathematical Models in Space-- Mixed Reality and Data Mining-- Theoretical and Applied Issues in Earth Remote Sensing-- Earth-Knowledge-Stars (subsection for schoolchildren) Culture, university education and management in the humanitarian field-- The Years of Russian and Chinese culture. The history, experience and prospects of Russian-Chinese cultural cooperation-- Moscow University in the history of Russian sports. Sports leadership and management-- Moscow University in the history of Russian Culture Mathematics and mechanics-- Aeromechanics-- Real, complex and functional analysis-- Computational mathematics, mathematical modeling and numerical methods-- Computational mechanics-- Gas and wave dynamics-- Geometry and topology-- Hydromechanics-- Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics-- Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control-- Mathematical logic, algebra and number theory-- Mechanics of composites-- Applied mechanics and control-- Theoretical mechanics and mechatronics-- Probability theory and mathematical statistics-- Theory and methods of teaching mathematics-- Theory of plasticity-- Theory of elasticity International Relations and Global Studies-- Foreign policy of the Asia-Pacific countries-- Foreign policy of the Middle East and Central Asia-- Foreign policy of Latin America and Africa-- US and EU Foreign Policy-- Sustainable development and global challenges-- Globalistics and global studies-- Global economy-- Global energy-- History of foreign policy and diplomacy-- Russia in the system of international relations-- Information support for foreign policy-- International security: space and world politics-- International security: new and traditional challenges and threats-- International communications-- International organizations and global political processes-- Political and social-economic processes in the Eurasian-- Regional problems of international relations Models of analysis of languages and cultures of indigenous peoples of Russia Marine research for the future of the planet-- Ocean biology-- Marine geological, geophysical and geochemical studies-- Oceanology and oceanography Teacher training and modern educational technologies-- Current issues in the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages-- Current tasks and problems of upbringing in modern education-- Artificial intelligence and digital technologies in education-- Teacher education: individualization and personification in the context of digitalization-- Psychological aspects of education and inclusive education under modern conditions-- Value foundations of modern Russian education-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Soil Science-- Soil Biology-- Soil Ecology, Genesis and Evolution-- Soil Rationing and Certification. Land Assessment-- Soils of Urbanized and Anthropogenic Landscapes. Problems of Soil Pollution and Revegetation-- Preservation and Increasing of Soil Fertility-- Soil Physics. Soil Erosion. Information Technologies in Soil Science-- Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy-- Round table «Carbon polygons: background, goals, first results»-- Soil-environmental researches on carbon polygons of the Russian Federation-- -- School subsection Teaching Russian language and fundamental subjects to foreign students-- Young scientists-- Humanitarian field-- Natural-technical field Psychology-- Actual problems of neuropsychology-- Actual problems of sports psychology-- Group and personality: space of communication and interaction-- Humanitarian psychology facing the challenges of modernity-- Information technologies in psychology: virtual reality and eye tracking-- Clinical psychology (pathopsychology, psychosomatics, psychology of corporeality)-- Cognitive psychology-- Personality traits: differential psychological approach-- Mathematical methods and models in psychology-- Organizational psychology-- Mental health in a changing world-- Psychological counseling and psychotherapy: theoretical research and applied aspects-- Psychology of the city and interaction with the environment-- Psychology in extreme situations: challenges of modernity-- Psychology and psychocorrection in the sphere of mental development of children and adolescents-- Psychology of personality in a changing world-- Psychology of education in the modern world-- Psychology of communication and interpersonal relations-- Psychology of negotiation and conflict resolution-- Psychology of cognition and creativity: the unity of intellect and affect-- Psychology in practice-- Developmental psychology and age-related psychology in the face of global challenges-- Family psychology in the modern world-- Psychology of social relations between men and women-- Labour psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics-- Psychology of the digital world: personality and society-- Psychology of language and intercultural communication-- Psychosemantics-- Psychophysiology, cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence-- Design and adaptation of psychodiagnostic techniques-- Modern problems of psychology (subsection for school students)-- Emotional intelligence: current and perspective research-- Ethnopsychology and psychology of intergroup relations-- Juridical psychology: theory and practice Public relations and theory of communication-- Communication in Contemporary World-- Public Relations Management in Business-- Public Relations Management in Governmental Institutes-- Internet Communications-- Decision Making: Strategies and Social Practices of Communication-- Media in Russian School-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sociology-- Modern sociology-- Public policy-- Economic sociology and social technologies of management-- Sociology of state management-- Sociology of education-- Sociology of family and demography-- Sociology of communication Broadcasting Theory, history and methodology of translation-- Translation methodology. Digital technologies in translation-- General theory, history and didactics of translation-- Comparative Linguistics and Discursology-- Literary translation: Methods and criticism Business Administration and Entrepreneurship Physics-- Acoustics-- Astrophysics-- Atomic and Nuclear Physics-- Biophysics-- Geophysics-- Mathematics and Computer Science-- Mathematical modeling-- Medical Physics-- Molecular Physics-- Nonlinear Optics-- Optics-- Radiophysics-- Superconducting and electronic properties of solids-- Synchrotron and neutron research-- Solid state nanoelectronics-- Theoretical Physics-- Physics of Space-- Physics of magnetic phenomena-- Physics of the Solid State-- MSU School «Photonic and Quantum Technologies. Digital Medicine». Subsection «Quantum technologies»-- MSU School «Photonic and Quantum Technologies. Digital Medicine». Subsection «Photonic technologies»-- MSU School «Photonic and Quantum Technologies. Digital Medicine». Subsection «Digital Medicine» Philology-- English Philology-- Baltic Literature and Languages-- Byzantine and Romaic Philology-- Germanic and Celtic Philology-- Language life, geolinguistics and artificial languages-- Ibero-Romance Philology-- History of the World Literature-- History of the Russian Literature-- History of the Russian Literature of the XX-XXIcc.-- Classical Philology-- German Philology-- General and Contrastive Linguistics-- Romance Philology-- Russian for Foreign Students-- Russian Language-- Russian Folklore-- Philology of Slavonic Languages-- Theoretical and Applied Linguistics-- Theory of Discourse and Communication-- Theory of Literature-- Philological Study of Text Translations-- Finno-Ugric Philology-- French Philology-- Experimental Linguistics-- Language and Languages in the Internet Communication Philosophy. Cultural studies. Religious studies. Applied ethics-- Biology, medicine and philosophy: common problematics of disciplines-- Bioethics and Applied ethics-- History of foreign philosophy-- History and theory of world culture-- History of Russian philosophy-- Cultural studies-- Logic-- Ontology and epistemology-- Contemporary popular culture studies-- Social philosophy and philosophy of history-- Philosophy and methodology of science-- Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences and Artificial Intelligence-- Philosophy of education: current contexts-- Philosophy of policy and law-- Philosophy of religion and religious studies-- Philosophy of Technology-- Philosophy of language-- Philosophical anthropology-- Aesthetics and philosophy of art-- Ethics Fundamental medicine-- Clinical medicine-- Regenerative medicine-- Experimental studies-- Young scientists (for school students) Fundamental Materials Science and Nanomaterials-- Functional Materials and Nanomaterials I (junior students)-- Functional materials and nanomaterials II (senior students)-- Functional materials and Nanomaterials III (graduate students and young scientists)-- Metals, ceramics and composites. Biomaterials Chemistry-- Analytical chemistry-- Polymers-- Colloid and interface science-- History and teaching method of chemistry-- Catalysis-- Quantum chemistry and molecular structure-- Inorganic chemistry I (students)-- Inorganic chemistry II (PhD students and young scientist)-- Organic chemistry-- Radiochemistry and radioecology-- Chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics-- Chemical technology and new materials-- Chemistry of living systems, nanobiomaterials and nanobiotechnologies-- Electrochemistry, high energy chemistry, spin chemistry Economics-- Agricultural economics-- The future of labor and social-labor relations: opportunities and limitations-- Institutions and Development-- Economic history and history of economic thought-- Corporate Finance-- Macroeconomics-- Marketing-- Methodological Problems of Modern Economics-- Population and Economics-- Networks in Economics and Management: Theory and Practice-- Socio-economic aspects of service sector development-- Public economics and Regional economics-- Organizational management: strategic decisions in the current environment-- Risk management and insurance: new challenges and opportunities-- Accounting, analysis and audit-- Financial Institutions and Services-- Household Finance: Financial Literacy-- Innovation economics-- Industrial organization and competition policy-- Environmental, energy and biotechnology economics-- Economic Strategy for the Development of Russia in the 21st Century: Theory and Practice in the New Reality Jurisprudence-- Topical issues of administrative law and process-- Topical issues of modern international law-- Peaceful settlement of legal disputes-- English and the law-- Private law-- Civil and administrative proceedings-- Intellectual rights-- General problems of the history of the state and law of foreign countries-- History of the domestic state and law-- History of political and legal doctrines-- Legal regulation of trade in the context of digitalization-- Forensics-- LegalTech. Digital Forensics-- International private law-- German and the law-- Law and the media-- Legal informatics, information and digital law-- Legal regulation of relations in the sphere of labor and social security-- Law enforcement agencies and prosecutorial oversight-- Business Law-- Issues of the state building and territorial management-- The problem of constitutional order and constitutional status of the individual-- Religion and Law-- Roman law-- Family Law-- Sociology of law-- Comparative Jurisprudence-- Theory of State and Law-- Criminal law and criminology, criminal enforcement law-- Criminal Procedure-- The educational process in student evaluations-- Philosophy of law-- Fiscal Law-- French and Law-- Environmental and land law-- Legal Clinic-- Islamic Law-- History of the State and Law of England and the USA-- Research projects on law (section for pupils of 10-11 grades) City Apply a filter Reset Шарипова Олеся Эдуардовна Государственный университет «Дубна», Факультет естественных и инженерных наук, Дубна, Россия (2027) Смирнова Анна Михайловна Государственный университет «Дубна», Факультет социальных и гуманитарных наук, Кафедра клинической психологии, Дубна, Россия (2027) Ворожейкина Ника Андреевна Филиал Московского государственного университета имени М.В.Ломоносова в г.Ташкенте, Ташкент, Узбекистан (2025) Сюэ Юаньфан Российский университет дружбы народов, Филологический факультет, Москва, Россия (2023) Насонова Яна Николаевна Ставропольский государственный педагогический институт - филиал в г. Ессентуки, Гуманитарно-технический факультет, Ессентуки, Россия (2026) Головин Павел Владимирович Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, Институт общественных наук и массовых коммуникаций, Белгород, Россия (2025) Матвеев Никита Алексеевич Военно-воздушная инженерная академия имени профессора Н.Е.Жуковского, Воронеж, Россия (2025) Борисова Ксения Павловна Институт мировых цивилизаций, Москва, Россия (2026) Князева Анна Владимировна Оренбургский государственный университет, Факультет гуманитарных и социальных наук, Оренбург, Россия (2025) Гайдарова Раисат Абдулнасировна Дагестанский государственный университет, Махачкала, Россия (2026) Григорук Владислав Максимович Белорусский государственный университет, Экономический факультет, Минск, Беларусь (2026) Магомедова Халимат Сахратулаевна Филиал ДГУ в г. Кизляре, Кизляр, Россия (10 класс) Шалькевич Виктория Дмитриевна Белорусский государственный университет, Исторический факультет, Кафедра этнологии, музеологии и истории искусств, Минск, Беларусь (2025) Палладес Александра Алексеевна Российская академия художеств им. И.Е. Репина, Санкт-Петербург, Россия (2026) Савко Павел Витальевич Челябинский государственный университет, Челябинск, Россия (2026) Абляева Алина Ринатовна Южный университет (ИУБиП), Ростов-на-Дону, Россия (2025) Бушкова-Шиклина Эльвира Васильевна Вятский государственный университет, Кировская область, Россия (2003) Урванов Иван Николаевич Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет, Философский факультет, Томск, Россия (2027) Кудряшов Михаил Викторович Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского, Nizhny Novgorod, Россия (2027) Шаркунова Екатерина Владимировна Оренбургский государственный педагогический университет, Оренбург, Россия (2010) Ивонин Илья Максимович Крымский федеральный университет имени В. И. Вернадского, Симферополь, Россия (2024) Алгазин Сергей Дмитриевич Институт проблем механики им. А.Ю. Ишлинского РАН, Москва, Россия (1973) Воробчук Леонид Станиславович Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, Институт социально-философских наук и массовых коммуникаций, Казань, Россия (2024) Магдич Евгений Александрович Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Факультет психологии, Кафедра психологии образования и педагогики, Москва, Россия (2026) Помазкин Василий Кириллович Иркутский государственный университет, Биолого-почвенный факультет, Иркутск, Россия (2015) Кирсанов Кирилл Владимирович Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Экономический факультет, Кафедра экономики труда и персонала, Москва, Россия (2024) Керекеша Анастасия Павловна Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет имени И.М. Сеченова, Москва, Россия (2024) Царёва Александра Андреевна Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Москва, Россия (2030) Шерлыгина Дарья Алексеевна Череповецкий государственный университет, Гуманитарный институт, Череповец, Россия (2025) Гарбуз Роман Александрович Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Москва, Россия (2024) To beginning5455565758Last page
Шарипова Олеся Эдуардовна Государственный университет «Дубна», Факультет естественных и инженерных наук, Дубна, Россия (2027)
Смирнова Анна Михайловна Государственный университет «Дубна», Факультет социальных и гуманитарных наук, Кафедра клинической психологии, Дубна, Россия (2027)
Ворожейкина Ника Андреевна Филиал Московского государственного университета имени М.В.Ломоносова в г.Ташкенте, Ташкент, Узбекистан (2025)
Насонова Яна Николаевна Ставропольский государственный педагогический институт - филиал в г. Ессентуки, Гуманитарно-технический факультет, Ессентуки, Россия (2026)
Головин Павел Владимирович Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, Институт общественных наук и массовых коммуникаций, Белгород, Россия (2025)
Матвеев Никита Алексеевич Военно-воздушная инженерная академия имени профессора Н.Е.Жуковского, Воронеж, Россия (2025)
Князева Анна Владимировна Оренбургский государственный университет, Факультет гуманитарных и социальных наук, Оренбург, Россия (2025)
Григорук Владислав Максимович Белорусский государственный университет, Экономический факультет, Минск, Беларусь (2026)
Шалькевич Виктория Дмитриевна Белорусский государственный университет, Исторический факультет, Кафедра этнологии, музеологии и истории искусств, Минск, Беларусь (2025)
Палладес Александра Алексеевна Российская академия художеств им. И.Е. Репина, Санкт-Петербург, Россия (2026)
Бушкова-Шиклина Эльвира Васильевна Вятский государственный университет, Кировская область, Россия (2003)
Урванов Иван Николаевич Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет, Философский факультет, Томск, Россия (2027)
Кудряшов Михаил Викторович Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского, Nizhny Novgorod, Россия (2027)
Шаркунова Екатерина Владимировна Оренбургский государственный педагогический университет, Оренбург, Россия (2010)
Ивонин Илья Максимович Крымский федеральный университет имени В. И. Вернадского, Симферополь, Россия (2024)
Воробчук Леонид Станиславович Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, Институт социально-философских наук и массовых коммуникаций, Казань, Россия (2024)
Магдич Евгений Александрович Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Факультет психологии, Кафедра психологии образования и педагогики, Москва, Россия (2026)
Помазкин Василий Кириллович Иркутский государственный университет, Биолого-почвенный факультет, Иркутск, Россия (2015)
Кирсанов Кирилл Владимирович Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Экономический факультет, Кафедра экономики труда и персонала, Москва, Россия (2024)
Керекеша Анастасия Павловна Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет имени И.М. Сеченова, Москва, Россия (2024)
Царёва Александра Андреевна Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Москва, Россия (2030)
Шерлыгина Дарья Алексеевна Череповецкий государственный университет, Гуманитарный институт, Череповец, Россия (2025)
Гарбуз Роман Александрович Московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносова, Москва, Россия (2024)