“Potential of the Future” international competition of innovative projects and start-ups
“Potential of the Future” international competition of innovative projects and start-ups
The “Potential of the Future” international competition of innovative projects and start-ups will be held between 20th and 22nd April 2021 at Lomonosov Moscow State University within the International Youth Scientific Forum “Lomonosov-2021”. The Competition will be held in a remotely.
The purpose of the Competition is to stimulate the entrepreneurial activity of young people and to help in finding potential investors for innovative projects and startups.
To participate in the competition, you should submit an application (including the presentation of the project) through the electronic registration system by April 12, 2021 (inclusive). Co-authors / project team members can apply for participation in the Competition after the author / project manager submits an application (but not later than the deadline for accepting applications).
An application can include no more than one project.
The project can be presented on any topic (including social projects) as the Lomonosov Forum covers all areas of modern science, education and technology. The organizing committee assigns experts for the “Potential of the Future” competition according to the topics of the presented projects.
The structure of project presentations is up to the participant (within reasonable limits). The application should reflect the essence, advantages and prospects of the project as concisely and thoroughly as possible. If it is necessary you can use sample templates for preparing presentations which are available in the "Files" section at the bottom of this page with a description of the Competition. This section also contains recommendations for filling out the application.
A presentation and a slide with a project summary in Russian are required for application, English versions are advisable (expands the range of potential investors).
The working languages of the Competition are Russian and English.
When filling the application all presentations and additional materials should be archived (.rar or .zip).
To participate in the competition, you have to be under 36 years of age.
The competition is held in two stages:
- online qualifying stage;
- the final competitive stage (remotely).
Experts of the competition during the online qualifying stage consider and evaluate the submitted projects and determine the finalists of the Competition. The results of the qualifying stage will be announced no later than April 11, 2021. Participants who have successfully passed the qualifying stage will be invited to the final stage.
The final defense of projects and determination of the winners are carried out during the final stage of the competition (remotely).
The assessment of the project during the face-to-face defense is made according to the following criteria:
- the competence of the project team;
- economic feasibility of the project;
- the novelty of the idea;
- the relevance of the idea;
- presentation quality;
- the quality of financial and economic calculations.
During the final stage of the competition an educational program is provided for the participants, during which experts representing leading Russian development institutions will speak.
The authors of the best projects will have an opportunity to present their ideas to potential investors.
It is possible to participate in the Competition as a listener without a project. To do this, you also need to submit an application through the electronic registration system.
The "Potential of the Future" is supported by the Presidential Grant for the development of civil society, provided by the Presidential Grant Foundation to the Russian Youth public organization "Russian Union of Student Organizations" for the «International Youth Scientific Forum" Lomonosov "» project.
Contact information:
E-mail: konkurs@lomonosov-msu.ru and e_shachneva@mail.ru (Elena Shachneva)