Scientific Spring 2022

XII interuniversity scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists with international participation "Scientific Spring"

Москва, Россия
Registration is closed
19 May 2022
09:00 - 18:00
Реавиз, Москва, Россия

Scientific Spring 2022

XII interuniversity scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists with international participation "Scientific Spring"

The materials of the conference will be published as an appendix to the journal VAK "Bulletin of the Reaviz Institute"
General requirements for work. The work is done in Russian or English. The volume of the text of the work is 500-3000 characters. The papers sent to the conference are subject to mandatory verification for the presence of inadmissible borrowings in the Antiplagiat system, as well as reviewing. The organizing committee does not accept materials that do not correspond to the scientific topics of the congress, made at an insufficiently high scientific level, do not meet the requirements of relevance, contain inadmissible borrowings that violate the rules of the language in which they are written.
Manuscript structure. The text of the work is drawn up in the following order.
Title of theses.
Author (s) - surname and initials.
Organization, briefly, without specifying the forms of ownership, for example "Moscow State University", department, faculty. If
there are several authors, they work or study in different organizations, then before the initials
a superscript (1, 2, etc.) is placed corresponding to the organization indicated
below under the same number. If the author is one or all authors work in one
organizations, the indexes are not set.
Contact e-mail
Head of work - surname and initials, academic degree and title (abbreviations are given in the table at the end of this document). Membership in non-governmental or alternative academies is not specified.
Text of theses. In the text of the theses, it is necessary to reflect the purpose of the work, materials and methods, the results obtained, their analysis and a brief discussion (conclusions). Any, even common abbreviations, should be deciphered upon first use. Special characters are inserted by copying from the ascii table. For superscripts and subscripts, wiki markup or Latex format is allowed. Mathematical formulas are inserted into the text of works in Latex format
Illustrative material. Tables, diagrams and figures are sent in the attached files, the name of which corresponds to the indication in the text (Figure 1, Table 2, etc.). Tables are formatted in Microsoft / Libre / Open / WPS Office formats (doc, docx, xls, xlsx, odt, ods). Pictures are attached in jpg, png, bmp formats, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Chemical formulas are performed using LaTex or ChemDraw, ChemWindow or ISIS / Draw programs. Diagrams are drawn up in Microsoft Visio, Corel Draw, Inkscape, it is desirable to export them in eps format, convert fonts to curves. It is advisable to send statistical charts in editable files in which they are created (Microsoft Excel, Libre Office Calc, Statistica etc) for their optimal layout.
For the section "Information technologies in medicine". It is advisable to accompany the materials with a link to a working prototype of the software solution published on online sites - Jupiter Lab, Wolfram Online Demo, etc.
Links. The list of used literature accompanies the work at the request of the authors, drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008, GOST R 7.0.9-2009. The list of references is drawn up in the order of citing sources. The text of the abstracts must contain references to all sources from the list of references. References in the text are indicated in square brackets, for example [1, 3-5].
An example of abstracts:
Features of the course of the wound process in patients in the acute phase of COVID-19 who underwent surgery
1Ivanov I.I., 2Petrov P.P.
1 student of the 2nd year of the Faculty of General Medicine; 2nd postgraduate student of the Department of Surgical Diseases
1Medical University "Reaviz"
2Saint Petersburg State University,
Sidorov S.S., Dr. med. Sciences, prof.
Text, text, text ……………….
Reduction of academic degrees in accordance with Appendix 3 to the Regulation approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 31, 1998 N 145


Медицинский университет «Реавиз»
Reaviz Medical University


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